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EDF Renewables Deutschland

How are the site visits carried out?

The aim of the on-site inspection is for us to estimate the cost of installing and connecting the battery storage system. It is important to find a suitable installation site for the battery storage system.

Requirements for the installation site:

  • Free area for the installation of the battery container (depending on the size of the container).
  • Minimum distance to existing buildings of 3-5m
  • As close as possible to the switchgear to which the battery is to be connected
  • Best possible protection against external hazards (e.g. floods or truck traffic)

In addition to the installation location, the cost of the connection is also estimated. As a rule, the battery storage unit is connected to medium voltage. For this, we require a switch panel in a medium-voltage switchgear. If no free field is available, we check the expandability of the system and then include the corresponding costs in our offer. Further on-site investigations concern the expected cable lengths and we also examine existing equipment such as the grid operator's transfer meter, current and voltage transformers, energy or load management systems and any existing generation plants.

To make the site visit as efficient as possible, access to the potential battery storage installation locations and switchgear should be possible and the following documentation should be available:

  • An invoice from the electricity supplier and/or grid operator.
  • A site plan showing the electrical infrastructure, if possible
  • A one-line diagram of the power supply.

Depending on the size of the site, 2 to 3 hours should be planned for the site inspection.

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