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EDF Renewables Deutschland

Which regulation allows for energy costs saving?

The regulations in §19 of the Electricity Network Charges Ordinance (StromNEV) §19 allow companies to reduce network charges under certain conditions. In addition to the general reduction of the highest load peaks in the year ("peak shaving"), it is possible under §19 Paragraph 2 Sentences 1 and 2 to agree on an individual network charge. The two sentences describe the application cases of atypical and electricity-intensive grid usage:

  • In the case of atypical network use, a reduced network charge can be achieved if the maximum load contribution of a final consumer deviates foreseeably and significantly from the simultaneous annual maximum load of all withdrawals at this network or transformer level. This deviation is achieved by reducing the energy demand during the high-load time windows, which are published annually by the distribution system operators, and is thus significantly lower than the energy demand outside these high-load time windows.
  • In the case of electricity-intensive network use, a reduced network charge can be achieved if the electricity consumption from the network at a offtake point reaches the usage hours of at least 7,000 hours and the electricity consumption at this offtake point exceeds 10 gigawatt hours per year.

It depends on your load profile which of these usage options is optimal for your location.

Ready to assess your savings potential?

Sebastian Adam
Sales Manager
EDF Renewables
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