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EDF Renewables Deutschland

Our Activities

Development, construction and operation of onshore wind farms

With regard to onshore wind energy, EDF Renewables is one of the pioneers in Germany and has been engaged in this industry for over 20 years. We are continuously expanding our commitment, drawing on the expertise, experience and resources of the global EDF Renewables group.

Our competence lies in the development, construction and optimised operation of new onshore wind farms. In addition, we repower existing plants that have reached a certain age or will be phased out of EEG-subsidies in the future.

So far, we have realised and commissioned a total of more than 700 MW of projects in the onshore wind sector. With this 700 MW nominal output, around 240,000 households can be supplied with electricity for a year – at the same time, more than 700,000 tonnes of CO2 are saved per year. 
Our current onshore wind pipeline totals 950 MW.

Locations sought for onshore wind farms

If you have sites that are suitable for the realisation of an onshore wind farm, we should get to know each other: we will make you an attractive offer – be it for lease or for sale.

Suitable sites should:

  • Not be located in low-wind areas – such as valleys or sunken areas
  • Be available for at least 20 years

Turning old into new: projects with repowering potential

Repowering is an option when existing plants have reached a certain age – usually 20 years – or are no longer eligible for EEG-subsidies and will not continue to be operated as post-EEG plants. Our team carries out repowering measures for our own plants or implements them for you and we acquire your plant afterwards.

We are interested in pre-developed projects or project rights as well as old plants with repowering potential for takeover. So if you have a corresponding existing plant for which you do not want to exploit the repowering potential yourself, we look forward to hearing from you.

Why we are the right partner

As part of the EDF Renewables Group, we have in-depth experience and know-how in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects. For you, this means that we are able to realise projects quickly and reliably.

Our strong points:

  • Active in the German renewables market for over 20 years
  • Part of a globally active group with corresponding resources: know-how, skilled staff and supplier contacts
  • Competent player in tender procedures worldwide, with numerous projects won in competitive bidding procedures
  • Good contacts with approval authorities, which ensures high realisation rates and reliable scheduling
  • Long-term partner who keeps projects under own operation and does not sell them in the short term to yield-oriented financial investors
  • We cooperate closely with communities and residents and offer both the opportunity to participate in the long-term economic success of our projects in their region
  • Partner network with regard to power purchase agreements (PPAs) for the short-, medium- or long-term sale of the energy produced
  • Mediation of innovative solutions such as storage and / or production of green hydrogen from the yields of onshore plants

Globally experienced project developer wind energy

The international EDF Renewables Group is one of the most important players in the renewable energy sector worldwide. In close cooperation with our parent company in France and leading partners, we plan, install and operate onshore and offshore wind turbines throughout Germany. In addition, we have expertise in financing, procurement of components and optimising performance.

Our motivation

The German government's climate targets stipulate that 80 per cent of our electricity should come from renewables by 2030. EDF Renewables is a major player in renewable energies. A subsidiary of the EDF group, the company supports the energy transition in more than 20 countries around the world.

The energy transition, i.e. a sustainable energy supply including climate-neutral power generation, is an enormous challenge that we can only master together. We are part of it – are you?


Oliver Moß
VP Development
EDF Renewables Deutschland
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