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EDF Renewables Deutschland plans ground-mounted photovoltaic project of at least 100 hectares in Lower Saxony

Two solar parks with a total rated output of 116 MWp are to be built in the municipality of Adelebsen in the district of Göttingen

In its role as project developer, EDF Renewables Deutschland will take on all the necessary steps: from development and construction to the operation of the ground-mounted PV projects after completion as part of its own PV portfolio. A 51-hectare solar park is to be built in the village of Lödingsen and another 49 hectares in Güntersen. The land is owned by the Adelebsen Castle Foundation and the Count Wolff Metternich family.

Further negotiations are currently underway with respective landowners regarding the use of additional neighbouring sites.

In April 2024, the municipality issued the resolution to start the land-use planning process. The next steps following the conclusion of the above negotiations include the implementation of the urban land-use planning, i.e. the preparation of the necessary expert reports, public interpretation and formal public participation.

Advancing the energy transition through PV installations

Once commissioned, the two PV projects will make a substantial contribution to the German government's energy transition targets: by 2050, renewable energies should account for around 60 per cent of gross final energy consumption and 80 per cent of gross electricity consumption.

Informing residents and protecting nature

A key focus of the project implementation is on the harmonious integration into the environment and comparatively low visibility for the surrounding area. Valuable ecosystems are to be preserved or expanded and the land will be used sustainably. 

A public information meeting is planned for beginning of September 2024, which will also be attended by the municipality of Adelebsen and the landowners. Both solar park projects will be presented to the public on site in order to enter into a dialogue with interested residents.

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