Battery storage
The battery
What is a battery storage system and what are the main components?
A battery storage system is used to store electricity and release it at short notice when electricity loads are too high - and therefore expensive - during the peak load time windows defined by the grid operator. Our battery storage systems are primarily used for peak shaving and frequency containment reserve (FCR).
Read moreHow does my site benefit from a battery storage system?
Our battery storage system reduces annual electricity costs produced by short-term high loads. The battery system will give you the flexibility to manage your load and cap the peaks from your annual consumption. Thanks to the battery, production at your site can be increased and optimized without overloading the grid.
How can a battery storage system reduce energy costs?
To benefit from reduced electricity costs, the battery storage system is tailored to the company's individual electricity consumption.
Read moreWhere does the battery storage get it's energy from?
The battery storage system draws energy from the general power grid.
Read moreDoes the charging of the battery increase the consumption of the site?
That is a long answer…Battery use only minimally increases the site's power consumption. The operation of the battery storage leads to losses, the size of which depends on the system configuration and is vanishingly small compared to the total consumption. For a storage system of 1MW capacity, we expect annual losses to be less than 10 MWh. In addition, algorithms have been developed for the battery that prevent battery charging from causing new load peaks. The algorithms are based on the consumption profile of previous years and are updated in real time.
How long is the service life of a battery storage system?
Depending on usage and utilization, a battery storage system with lithium-ion batteries can be expected to last between 10 and 25 years.
Which regulation allows for energy costs saving?
The regulations in §19 of the Electricity Network Charges Ordinance (StromNEV) allow companies to reduce network charges under certain conditions. In addition to the general reduction of the highest load peaks in the year ("peak shaving"), it is possible under §19 Paragraph 2 Sentences 1 and 2 to agree on an individual network charge.
Read moreWhat is meant by BESS "behind-the-meter"?
"Behind-the-meter" refers to a specific type of energy generation that is used in particular for smaller energy systems.
Read moreAre the batteries only suitable for electro intensive companies?
No, EDF does not only help to fulfill the requirements of §19 Abs. 2 S. 2 StromNEV for the electro intensive grid use but also for the atypical grid use or just the general peak shaving without an individual grid fee.
On the other hand EDF batteries are also suitable if your site is electro intensive in the meaning of the EEG law which means that your EEG levy is reduced according to the “Special compensation scheme” (Besondere Ausgleichsregelung BesAR).
Why is it worth implementing a battery storage system particularly now?
Installing a battery storage system allows you to make cost savings that you should not forego. As the prices of lithium-ion battery cells are falling, you could also make greater profits in the future. In addition, the battery storage system can help you achieve your sustainability goals more quickly.
Electricity cost reduction
What is Peak Shaving?
The company's electricity consumption fluctuates considerably throughout the day. Sudden peaks in electricity consumption can significantly increase the electricity bill. These peaks can be balanced out using a battery storage system.
Read moreWhat does "atypical grid usage" mean?
Atypical status describes a specific consumption of maximal power by the industry during the congestion periods (on-peak time) and off-peak time. Those time slots are defined by the Distribution System Operator (DSO) at the end of each year.
If the industry can reach a minimum of 20% difference (for medium voltage connection) of maximal load between on-peak and off-peak periods the power usage will be considered “atypical” for a full calendar year and the reference for the electricity costs will be based on the highest peak load during on-peak time only.
In contrast to “normal” power consumption, when industrial energy costs are being calculated based on the highest peak of the year measured by the DSO during the off-peak periods.
What is FCR (Frequency Containment Reserve) used for?
Primary control power (Frequency Containment Reserve) is used by the four German transmission system operators as a tool to compensate for sudden deviations in the electricity grid from the normal frequency (50 Hertz). In this way, possible power blackouts can be prevented.
The electricity producer on site activates the frequency containment reserve (FCR) within 30 seconds in the event of sudden fluctuations in the grid frequency. This power must be available for at least 15 minutes without interruption. Depending on the deviation, balancing is achieved by increasing or reducing the electricity feed-in.
The demand for FCR is determined centrally each year for the entire ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) area. Interested electricity producers can offer their capacity in an auction on the internet platform
How is the price of electricity made up?
Industries pay electricity costs per kilowatt hour (kWh) consumed to their electricity supplier. These consist of the following main components.
Read moreWhich industries can benefit from peak shaving?
In general, every sector in industry and commerce is suitable for our battery system. The site should consume more than 1 GWh of electricity per year and have load peaks of at least around 500 kW. The amount of electricity supplied must be measured using recording power metering.
The offer
What are the benefits of EDF Renewables' BESS offer compared to other providers?
EDF Renewables Storage offers you a comprehensive service for smoothing out peak loads with high quality batteries - without investment risk and without great effort. We help you to store your energy intelligently and reduce your electricity costs.
Read moreWhat is included in the EDF Renewables Service for peak load shaving?
EDF Renewables takes care of
- Dimensioning and installation of the battery storage system on site
- Cooperation in the organisation of all necessary permits
- Control of the EMS with transparent information on battery operation at all times
- O&M and possible module changes
- Dismantling and transport of the battery
Is EDF Renewables able to guarantee the savings?
Within our business model, there are no flat-rate costs, so you will always make a profit. We offer various contract models:
- Comfort, which is your all-round carefree package, where we assume the entire operational risk, e.g. in the event of changes to the legal framework.
- Standard, where you actively support peak shaving and benefit directly from the savings achieved
- Expert, where we provide the battery but leave the operation to you. However, you only pay for the times when you need the battery.
How much experience has EDF Renewables in battery storage?
EDF Renewables is a pioneer in the German battery storage market. We have over 10 years of experience - with more than 100 MW of batteries installed around the world. Germany accounts for 6.8 MW of this capacity. You can find an overview of our projects here.
How much do the battery system and the peak shaving service cost?
You do not have to make an investment upfront. EDF Renewables will cover the investment costs, installation and procurement for you. The annual savings are shared subsequently.
What is the net profit per year?
The net profit depends on the load profile and grid charges of the site. EDF Renewables offers three usage options for the battery system: Standard, Power Intensive and Atypical.
It depends on your load profile which of these usage options is the most profitable for your site.
Are there any additional costs arising from the battery storage system after installation?
The battery storage remains the property of EDF Renewables after installation, so that any costs incurred are also borne by EDF Renewables.
Project process
What do I have to do to get an offer?
In order for us to value the potential of a battery on your site, all you have to do for a non-binding offer is to send us your load profile in 15-minute steps over a whole year in an Excel file. We will do the rest.
The binding offer is prepared after an onsite visit. Confidential treatment of the documents is guaranteed.
How does EDF Renewables analyze my load profile?
The analysis consists of 3 steps. After the first meeting with our experts, we prepare a detailed analysis of your load profiles. We then visit the site in person and provide you an offer.
Read moreHow are the site visits carried out?
The site inspection is a requirement for us to submit you a binding offer. The aim of the site inspection is to estimate the cost of installing and connecting the battery storage system and to find a suitable installation site for the battery storage system.
The site inspection also offers an opportunity to explain the battery storage project to you in detail and provide answers to all your questions. Read here how it is carried out in detail.
Read moreAre there special requirements for installation?
Besides the space requirements, EDF RS requires the provision of a power supply for the construction phase, earthing point, and access to the site´s sanitary facilities. Also, it is important to have access to an open switchboard at the customer´s location.
How can the battery storage system be integrated into the existing energy infrastructure?
The integration of the battery storage system depends on the company's energy infrastructure. In principle, no major interventions in the existing system are required, so that operation can continue unhindered both during installation and after commissioning of the battery storage system.
What is a suitable place for a BESS installation?
The exact location of the BESS will be determined together with you before installation. Our EPC -Engineering, Procurement and Construction- contract will include suggestions as to where the battery could best be set up. The BESS can be installed outdoors, with a barrier area of at least two meters around the container. The exact size of the exclusion area and the type of barrier will be determined in accordance with local conditions.
What is the size of the storage system?
The dimensions of the required installation area depend on the size of the battery system. For a capacity of 1 MW - 2 MW, an area of around 130 m² (12.1 m x 10.77 m) is assumed, taking into account the safety distance.
For projects under 1 MW, the size varies depending on the actual capacity implemented between 80 m² (for one container of 300 kW max), 160 m² (for two containers of 600 kW max) and 206 m² (for three containers with 900 kW max).
How can I track the BESS activity?
We inform you in real time about the use of the battery when the power Pmax required by the site is exceeded. When the battery is started, you will receive a message via SMS or e-mail. The parameters of these messages are defined with you depending on the location.
Who provides the maintenance service?
On-site maintenance and servicing is carried out by our control center and our partners. Of course, it is possible to train your company's technicians so that they can take the first steps to rectify any minor problems. Important maintenance will be coordinated to best suit the regular production of the site.
What fire safety precautions are taken?
The battery's fire protection system is connected directly to the site during the installation. EDF Renewables Storage Deutschland is responsible for the instruction of required personal and local firefighters for handling in case of emergency.
What happens if, due to operational processes, the load profile changes and the battery loses its effectiveness?
The battery is sized to cap peak loads above a certain size. In addition, we have developed algorithms that regularly 'learn' from current consumption data.
Moreover, our battery has a flexible design. It allows us to adjust the size of the battery if there is a major change in the consumption profile of the site - for example, due to the use of new machinery or a big change in the production process.
This may lead to an adjustment of the agreed rent (increase or decrease) depending on the new characteristics of the battery.
I have already installed a load management system (LMS). Can it be combined with your battery?
Yes, in the case of an existing LMS, EDF Renewables Storage Deutschland is responsible for the connection of the battery storage system to the existing energy management system.
How long does it take to commission the battery?
Between the signing of the contract and the commissioning of our battery, it takes an average of 9 months.
Your savings in grid charges depend, among other things, on the updates of the grid operator’s specifications that are done at the beginning of every year. Thus, it would be optimal to have concluded the contract by the end of the first quarter.
Energy transition
How does the installation of a battery storage system contribute to the energy transition?
Fluctuating energy sources such as wind and solar power place greater demands on all parties involved to keep the electricity grids stable, i.e. to avoid overloads as well as power outages. This is why we see decentralized electricity storage as the fourth pillar of energy supply in the age of renewable energies, alongside the three familiar ones - generation, transport and consumption. Battery storage systems make a significant contribution to stabilizing the electricity grids, as they can flexibly balance loads and thus make or keep the electricity grid controllable. At the same time, battery storage systems help to reduce grid costs as they can be used locally and replace grid capacities if used across the board.